
The Artist

I'm Sayyer; a proud Black and queer digital artist based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. From a young age, I knew I wanted to be an artist and spent much of my time drawing and making homemade comic books.

I attended a vocational high school where I majored in advertising and design. From there, I went on to study graphic design at my local University. Though I didn't graduate due to health concerns, I have seven years of training and experience.

My passion, though, has always been stories. The ups and downs of the Hero's Journey truly captivate me. The idea that I could create whole new and exciting worlds and characters drove me to do what I do now. In fact, my webcomic Decoder: A Neon Odyssey was born in a binder when I was "studying" in my university library.

I am currently doing background work on The Code of Zoran, a visual novel by Soft Silence, as well as working on my webcomic and other personal pieces from home with my beloved cat, Baby!